Use "enjoin|enjoined|enjoining|enjoins" in a sentence

1. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct.

2. Orders to intelligence operatives often enjoin secrecy.

3. 1 She was enjoined to live more frugally.

4. Paretic in, enjoin limb knees hip flexor.

5. Does she enjoin Congress from implementing its legislation?

6. He is in siesta, enjoined not to call him.

7. 21 She enjoined me strictly not to tell anyone else.

8. 17 But, before daub, must pass the reoccupy of the doctor after enjoining.

9. Synonyms for Adjures include orders, charges, commands, directs, enjoins, instructs, bids, tells, begs and invokes

10. Enjoin the Defendant permanently from violating its own organization bylaws.

11. She put a finger to her lips to enjoin silence.

12. When the patient works, enjoin notices to protect,( wear defend the shoe.

13. Synonyms for Adjured include ordered, charged, commanded, directed, enjoined, instructed, bid, bade, told and begged

14. And can it be that good policy does not equally enjoin it?

15. Out of such initiatives, they will learn that all religions enjoin goodness.

16. Democratic principles enjoin it; social justice requires it; national safety demands it.

17. What does Adjure mean? To command or enjoin solemnly, as under oath

18. Serenity of spirit and love for all sentient creation are enjoined by the Buddha.

19. In 1977 , oil industry trade associations sued to enjoin NOAA's approval of the California management program.

20. Others, I joined a personal party, met some new friends, enjoin that too.

21. Synonyms for Adjure include order, charge, command, direct, enjoin, instruct, bid, tell, beg and invoke

22. " One thing, thou that wast my wife, I would enjoin upon thee, " continued the scholar.

23. You shall therefore carefully observe the commandments, the statutes and the decrees which I enjoin on you today.

24. I was aware of the legal steps to attempt to enjoin publication in the courts.

25. Enjoining the parties “from filing any Briefsin, or in any other way continuing” the parties’ appellate proceedings in this Court

26. But the longer that inflation remains high, the trickier it is for Mr King enjoin patience.

27. 10 No single characterisation or particular formulation of the rule enjoining judicial obedience to statute can supply answers in advance ... Questions

28. Finally, Younger Abstention prevents federal courts, absent a showing of bad faith or harassment, from enjoining ongoing state criminal or quasi-criminal proceedings

29. But far from uniting, as Marx enjoined them in the Communist Manifesto, some continue to work as before, some mutiny and others employ collective bargaining.

30. This was a disreputable subterfuge, yet it appears that the same sort of procedure is enjoined by the new Act.

31. For life is paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment.

32. For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment.

33. Adjure: verb administer an oath, affirm , appeal to , ask , attest , beseech , bid , bind , call , charge , command , declare , enjoin , entreat , enunciate , exhort

34. * We note that the resolution enjoins upon the government to protect its population, indicating that it should have the capacity to do so.

35. Be careful not to forget the LORD, your God, by neglecting his commandments and decrees and statutes which I enjoin on you today.

36. Admoni (present admonas, past Admonis, future admonos, conditional admonus, volitive admonu) ( transitive ) to Admonish , exhort , advise , enjoin Mi Admonis la infanojn al pacienco.

37. You shall therefore hearken to the voice of the LORD, your God, and keep his commandments and statutes which I enjoin on you today.

38. You shall therefore hearken to the voice of the LORD, your God, and keep his commandments and statutes which I enjoin on you today.

39. Those indebted to them were enjoined to redeem their obligations within a set time; otherwise their pledges held in pawn were to be sold by the Jews.

40. Snooping on Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers Environmental groups soon enjoined other wildlife into the fight: the Red Cockaded Woodpecker, the brown bear, the marbled murrelet, not to mention plants and even fungi

41. Bashfulness: It is one of the great qualities that Islam enjoins; it is a characteristic that drives a person to do all that is good and stops him from committing that which is bad

42. As students are laboring through their self-assessments, the pedagogue can uninterruptedly hire students in their own speed and then enjoin education in retort to coalesce their Acquirements needs.

43. The decision in interesting because while the Court fully recognized that copyright vests in the author (absent an express transfer), it refused to enjoin the publishers from using the material.

44. 2 a : a regulation enjoining the withdrawal of usually specified persons (such as juveniles or military personnel) from the streets or the closing of business establishments or places of assembly at a stated hour The city ordered a Curfew …

45. In which commentary becomes copy-and-paste The only time that ritual bodily cutting, otherwise Anathematized , is not only allowed but enjoined in Judaism is ritual circumcision (berit milah), performed as a sign of covenant

46. Affirms that the phenomenon of terrorism is antithetical to all the teachings of Islam which advocates tolerance, compassion and non-violence and enjoins against all forms of aggression, and above all the killing of human life regardless of colour, religion or race.

47. How far from thee is subtilty and how speedily hast thou forgotten mine injunctions wherewith I enjoined thee saying, 'Believe not aught save that whereon thine eye is cast nor regret and Bemourn the past nor at what cometh rejoice too fast.'

48. India was , in the meanwhile , bound by the Ottawa agreement which , inter alia , enjoined the member - countries that their protective duties should not exceed the difference between the price of imported goods and a fair selling price for local manufactures .

49. So that you and your son and your grandson may fear the LORD, your God, and keep, throughout the days of your lives, all his statutes and commandments which I enjoin on you, and thus have long life.

50. It makes no mention of translation, but enjoins 'that the Person collated to any Archbishoprick or Bishoprick should be invested and consecrated thereto with all speed.' No reference was therefore made to Lancaster's previous tenure of the see of Kildare

51. ‘Judges are enjoined to extend to an alleged Contemner the same rights accorded to an accused.’ ‘The offending publication was not made by the Contemners in ignorance of the consequences.’ ‘So, disobedience alone will not make the alleged Contemner liable for contempt.’

52. The suras of this period contain some narratives from the Gospel, enjoin the rites of pilgrimage, refute the Cavillings of the Koreish, and contain vivid descriptions of the resurrection, judgment, heaven, and hell, with proofs of God's unity, power, and providence

53. The Apostate is bound to return to his monastery as soon as possible, and the Council of Trent enjoins bishops to punish religious who shall have left their monasteries without the permission of their superiors, as deserters (Session XXV, de regularibus, iv).

54. Commandant (n.) "commanding officer," especially of a fortified town or garrison, 1680s, from French Commandant "the one commanding" originally "commanding," present participle of commander (Old French comander) "to order, enjoin;" see command (v.)

55. The suras of this period contain some narratives from the Gospel, enjoin the rites of pilgrimage, refute the Cavillings of the Koreish, and contain vivid descriptions of the resurrection, judgment, heaven, and hell, with proofs of God's unity, power, and providence

56. In the lawsuit, which was filed in federal court in Seattle, Washington, the Commission obtained an order freezing the assets of the defendants, and temporarily enjoining Lawrence, Claflin, HMC and Znetix from future violations of the registration and Antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws, Sections 5(a), 5(c) and 17(a) of the

57. Thus, in some countries, when an exile is enjoined not to return on pain of death, it is deemed a Comminatory penalty, since, if he did return, it is not strictly executed, but instead the same threat is laid on him again, which is more than Comminatory

58. On August 9, 1995, the district court did issue a final judgment and order in the Bessye Neal litigation, permanently enjoining DOC employees from engaging in sexual harassment and retaliation, but that order specified that the March 15 order was to remain in effect pending resolution of absent class members in the Bessye Neal case.

59. ‘Given that the Abnegation of the ego is enjoined by almost every spiritual tradition, this becomes relevant across the spectrum of faiths.’ ‘It is part of the Abnegation of learning and the senseless worship of youth that now distort our values.’ ‘It is frustrating to witness the Abnegation of …

60. Xiaowang came out by bike that day deliver goods, going to river plain edifice when deliver goods, he looks to be photographed Circumjacently by bike beforehand like the head, put car and goods in downstair hind, he calls enjoin Liu Ming to wear a cap to take a car.

61. Circumjacent (adj.) "bordering on every side," late 15c., from Latin circumiacens, present participle of circumiacere "to border upon, to lie round about, enjoin," from circum "around, round about" (see circum-) + iacere "to throw, cast, hurl" (from PIE root *ye- "to throw, impel").

62. "Whereas Grevill Varney Esquire is nominated and appointed High Sheriff of the County of Warwicke, and is enjoined and required, by a certain Clause in the Oath to be taken by him the said Grevill Varney for the Execution of the said Office, ["That he shall reside and be dwelling, in his own proper Person, within his Bailiffwick, for the Time

63. Ask: 1 v make a request or demand for something to somebody “She Asked him for a loan” Types: show 6 types hide 6 types request Ask (a person) to do something solicit make a solicitation or petition for something desired enjoin , order , say , tell give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority call order, summon,

64. Subscription of the Confession of faith, or covenant, was also enjoined, presbyterian church government justified and Approven, and an act made for holding yearly General Assemblies; with many other acts and constitutions tending to the advancement of that begun reformation, and purging the church of CHRIST of those sinful innovations, crept into it, which may be seen more at large in the

65. WHEREAS Thomas Marsh Esquire is nominated and appointed High Sheriff of the Countries of Cambridge and Huntington, and is enjoined and required, by a certain Clause, in the Oath to be taken by him the said Thomas Marsh, for the Execution of the said Office, That he shall reside, and be dwelling, in his own proper Person, within his Bailiffwicks

66. (6) Whereas those practices often extend beyond the frontiers between the Member States; whereas there is an urgent need for some degree of approximation of national provisions designed to enjoin the cessation of the abovementioned unlawful practices irrespective of the country in which the unlawful practice has produced its effects; whereas, with regard to jurisdiction, this is without prejudice to the rules of private international law and the Conventions in force between Member States, while respecting the general obligations of the Member States deriving from the Treaty, in particular those related to the smooth functioning of the internal market;